Announcing Laura Oettel

1. July 2024

This year we present you not one but two Sunny’s! That’s right welcome with us Laura Oettel the german voice of Sunny Starscout to GalaCon […]

Announcing Gillian M. Berrow

26. June 2024

Renowned for her role as a showrunner and story editor, Gillian M. Berrow has crafted enchanting stories that have captivated fans worldwide. Now, we are […]

Announcing: DJTHED

17. March 2024

We hope you are as excited as we are to welcome 3D model designer, blender magician and animator DJTHED to his first GalaCon! Find all […]

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Ticketsale started!

8. February 2024

Hitch a ride on a longship and cross with us the wild seas towards the nordic lands of GalaCon ❄️ Tickets are available NOW, so […]

Announcing Ponyphonic!

4. February 2024

Welcome with us one of the most distinctive and legendary musicians our fandom has brought to light – their music sparking two of the most […]

We present this years theme: Vikings!

19. January 2024

ᚹᛖᛚᚲᛟᛗᛖ! Follow the aurora borealis and join us in the cold north of southwest Germany for GalaCon 2024, because this year’s convention theme will be…. […]

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Tips and Infos to Accommodation

10. November 2023

Finding Accommodation is an important part in preparation for attending a Convention. We have collected Tips and information and provided them for you to help […]

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Timetable and Venue Map!

10. September 2023

Alright folks, it’s time to lay down the groove for GalaCon 2023! Let’s get that schedule on the table! Check out all the deets:

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Full list and map for all Vendors!

9. September 2023

As the gnarly GalaCon approaches, are you feeling the hype and eagerly anticipating some fresh, totally rad merchandise? Don’t forget to cruise by our vendor […]