GalaCon 2024 Theme Comic

23. July 2024

Although GalaCon is only so far away, Canni has travelled a great distance into the wild… Read all about the inspiring steps that drove her […]

Map & Vendor Announcement

21. July 2024

You already know who’s coming, what panels we have in store and when those will be. But we still have news for this year’s GalaCon: […]

Timetable Announcement

17. July 2024

We just released our time table for GalaCon 2024. You can find it in the header menu under “Visitor Info” or by clicking >>HERE<<! Please […]

Get Viking Certified!

6. July 2024

Are you a true Viking? Prove it!   Show off at least one viking-ish item, accessory or clothing during check-in and receive the official GalaCon […]

Announcing Pagan Pegasus

4. July 2024

Get ready for the witching hour with Pagan Pegasus! She’ll deliver original songs and remixes for your party needs! Click here for the full announcement: […]

Announcing Laura Oettel

1. July 2024

This year we present you not one but two Sunny’s! That’s right welcome with us Laura Oettel the german voice of Sunny Starscout to GalaCon […]

Announcing Gillian M. Berrow

26. June 2024

Renowned for her role as a showrunner and story editor, Gillian M. Berrow has crafted enchanting stories that have captivated fans worldwide. Now, we are […]