Volunteer registration

Hello fellow volunteers. For now, you've been accepted for volunteering at GalaCon 2024, held on July 27-28th 2024 in Waiblingen, Germany, with preparations starting on July 26th.

However, we need a few additional informations from you.

All informations that you provide will be treated with utter respect and will be kept strictly confidential. It will only be used for internal purposes at GalaCon, after which it will be deleted. All data handling will be in full compliance with §4 BDSG.

If you prefer, you can also send these informations by mail to volunteer(at)pony-events.eu.

We will use nicknames throughout the convention to address you, as they're a lot more commonly used in the fandom than real names.

Personal information

These informations will be kept private.

Optional. Mobile preferred. Just in case we need to get in contact urgently.

Optional. Someone we can contact in case of emergencies, just in case.

Anything we should be aware of, like allergies, important medication, hyper-sensitivities...


As far as you know yet, please let us know if anything changes later on. Preparations for volunteers will likely start Friday around noon.

Convention will be closing at around 18:00, clean-up should be done around 21:00.

We try to arrange shift times accordingly, but cannot guarantee it.


Get in contact with other volunteers

We will rely on chats again to communicate, so its highly recommended to join at least one of the chats.
There will also be an info page with the most important informations gathered later on.

The old eurobronies forum will be retired.

Totally optional, and just for getting in contact with other volunteers, if you like. All important informations will be available in the forums.

@username preferred, you can set one in the settings. Otherwise, phone number.

Discord is a multi-room text and voice chat solution, has standalone and web clients, and is not linked to phone numbers.

You can find your username in the settings

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